Learn — Sexual Performance

How To Bottom During Sex: Your Complete Guide

Want to learn how to bottom or increase your ability to enjoy anal penetration? GIDDI has your complete guide to an enjoyable bottoming experience.

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Perineum Sunning: 5 Facts To Consider Before Tanning Your Taint

What is perineum sunning, and should you do it? GIDDI has more about the practice and why you should think twice before heading outside to try it.

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How Does Prostate Surgery Affect You Sexually?

We’ve all walked out of the doctor’s office and realized we forgot to ask some important questions we meant to. If your doctor recommends prostate surgery, the anxiety that causes can often push all of those questions out of your mind.  One of the big things people wonder about is the impact the surgery will have on them in the bedroom. How does prostate surgery affect you sexually?  We’ve got everything you need to know, but don’t forget to check with your healthcare provider for more information. What Is the Prostate? Before we dig into how prostate surgery can affect...

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How Mutual Masturbation Can Spice Things Up in the Bathroom

There are plenty of reasons that it might be time to revamp your sex life. Maybe you and your partner have been together for years, and you feel like you have tried every sex position in the books. Or maybe your partner is going through some health issues, and your sex life needs to adapt to what you and your partner are comfortable doing. Have you ever really thought about the fact that you and your partner are most likely masturbating in your spare time? Time for self-love is essential and an absolute turn-on, but … can you imagine if...

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